kids homeschool

Use your creative side

Hi there! Today I’m going to draw! And also write some ideas for a book. Think creative! There are tons of things you can do that are creative. There is crafts, arts (drawing, painting), writing, movie-making (or short films), building and more! Be creative about thinking about creative ideas. Have fun. Bye!

Food stores

Hi there! Today I want to talk about making things to sell in stores. Basically you can make your own product or food and sell them for money. And if some stores think your good, they’ll buy from you to stick in their stores! Imagine having your own brand that (for example) makes strawberry flavoured …

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Hi there! Today I want to talk about coding and making video games. If you’re experienced in coding, then you could create your own game, no joke! All you would need is some money to get a game created like Unity. You can even earn TONS of money from just a simple, but exciting game! …

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